WOW it has been a marathon 3 day stretch for me. Starting Tuesday night with an unexpected and amazing display of the Northern Lights! This lasted for about 4 hours and I headed to a wind farm near my house here in Northeast Nebraska to time lapse the display. I am sure I will have some still images coming from this one... until I get those processed, here is a time lapse of the display. 3 hours compressed into about 30 seconds!
Then on Wednesday and Thursday the parameters came together for some nice storms in Kansas, Southern Nebraska, and Northwestern Missouri. Needless to say after 3 days, 5 states, 1100 miles, 4 supercells, an aurora display, 8 hours of sleep total and ~30 hours in the car I am a little worn out but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Here is a preview from the first chase day near Dunlap, Kansas as the storm organized into a supercell.

Much more to come... I will probably make a post here better detailing the storm chases. Let me know what you think!